Short Description of Toggle / Momentary / Latched Working Modes

Generally there are three working modes for rf remote controls: toggle, momentary, latched.

Toggle mode is used most often. Controlling lamp, for example, press the button of remote, turn on the lamp; press the button again, turn off the lamp.

Momentary mode can be set to control rolling blind or rolling door. Press and hold the button of remote, open the blind or door; release the button, close the blind or door.

Both toggle and momentary mode are motivated by single relay, which means you can work these two modes with single button remote.

As regards the latched mode, it is motivated by relay group. For relay group, only one relay will be on at a time, e.g. press remote button A, relay A will be on, and relay B will be off; press remote button B, relay B will be on, and relay A will be off. To be more specific, when you control the lamp by latched mode, you should prepare at least two buttons remote. Press button A, the lamp is on; press button B, the lamp is off.

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