What new portal for my entrance?

For aesthetic purposes or to dissuade intruders, the portal is not only used to welcome visitors! Here are some ways to choose the right portal model.
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What shape for my portal?

Straight, sloped, curved, curved or gendarme hat? A matter of taste. A PVC gate that is too design can detonate in front of a traditional house, while a wrought iron gate will enhance it. But there are enough possibilities today for every home to find the "right" portal.

What visual barrier?

Added, a gate makes it possible to supervise the outside but does not protect from the glances. On the contrary, a full model preserves privacy, but, too high, creates the unpleasant impression of being locked up, especially if the ground is small. On the other hand, it is better to avoid (unfortunately, we often see some) an impressive portal with low walls on each side. We must ensure the right overall balance.

Swing or sliding?

The former usually open inwards. Otherwise, the law requires that they not encroach on the public highway. If the ground is small or too sloping, it will be necessary to opt for a sliding gate. Provide an over-face clearance on the side, slightly larger than the distance between the pillars.

What material?

PVC is the easiest to live with, the lightest. Count between 300 € and 500 €. Its excellent resistance to saline environments and the low maintenance it requires make it the ideal material for seaside homes. Disadvantage: it resists badly to accidental shocks and displays a weak choice of colors.

Wood: adapts to all architectures. However, it requires regular maintenance. Wood that has received a fungicide and water repellent treatment will offer superior resistance. Count between 350 € and 800 €.

Steel: allows many aesthetic variations, but requires annual maintenance. The models treated anticorrosion guarantee a peace of mind of ten years. Classic models are available from 400 €. In treated version, it will cost 800 € and more.

Aluminum: non-deformable, unalterable, it meets all constraints (first price around 800 €). Aluminum gates require almost no maintenance and their light weight allows up to 5 m wide. Assembled without welding, damaged parts can be easily replaced.

Motorized or not?

Articulated arms for the wings, rack and pinion systems for the sliding wings, the motorization has more and more success. Some models are equipped with rf remote control and even powered by a photovoltaic cell. It is imperative to take into account the safety elements (obstacle detection, flashing light, etc.). Comfort price: from 500 €.

What security?

As far as security is concerned, the gate is not the most difficult obstacle to cross, but adapted equipment makes it less vulnerable. Some operators offer automatic locking at each closing and, in the event of an attempted break-in, the motor exerts a counter push to block the leaf.


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